Mr. Furlan Sci.

Lab Exercises, Assignments, and Additional Supports.

Week of 1/5/2014 Update (Weather Modifications)

Posted by E Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome back to a new year! Unfortunately due to weather related events we will be starting class on Wednesday. Below is an overview of what we will be doing for this week. 

Wednesday 1/8/2014:
Describing Matter 13.1

·      Identify the three main states of matter.
·      Identify why characteristics of specific types of matter are useful.
·      Identify how matter can be classified.

We will be learning about some basics when it comes to matter. We will learn about different types of matter, and how matter changes (Physical vs. Chemical). We will be completing a mini-lab "Mixture of Matter". 

Thursday 1/9/2014:
Measuring Matter 13.2

·      Identify how weight and mass relate.
·      Identify how density is calculated.
·      Compare and contrast mass and density measurement

We will be learning about mass and weight and how the two concepts relate to each other. We will be completing a lab looking at – density.

Friday 1/10/2014:
Particles of Matter 13.3

·      Identify the smallest particles of elements.
·      Identify what Dalton concluded about atoms.

We will be looking at atoms and what atoms are comprised of. We will be creating 3D models in class of the basic structure of atoms and viewing a short film.